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 新闻版 [xīn wén bǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. 《国际新闻》也在同一时间辞退了来自《世界新闻》的副编辑(新闻版)。
    News International terminated the employment of the assistant editor (news) of the News of the World at the same time.
  2. 大众媒体对其报道大多局限于社会新闻版,马球比赛上电视的机会几乎不存在。
    Mainstream media coverage is generally restricted to the society columns, and the game's television presence is virtually non-existent.
  3. 本文运用大众传播学、心理学、社会心理学、新闻编辑学等理论对当前综合类报纸中体育新闻版兴起的背景、原因进行了剖析。
    In this article, I make full use of theories of Mass Communication, Psychics, Social psychology, News editing to probe into the reason why sports news page of comprehensive newspapers prevail.

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