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 斧钺 [fǔ yuè添加此单词到默认生词本
a large, axe-shaped weapon in ancient times

  1. 战斗时还要陈列斧钺,设置旗章,有功必赏,犯令必杀。
    Array axes of authority, make a display of the emblems and flags.Those who have merit must be rewarded;those who contravene orders must die.
  2. 旁有锦衣卫随侍,手持斧钺,以木为之,是明代卤簿仪杖常见器用之一。
    The servant at his side holds a wood handle axe, which was a symbol of regalia in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644).
  3. 干戈斧钺等兵器,不仅亲身体验了那空间的死生拼搏,也作为时间上古今对话的「礼器」—于战争之先,行祭祀大典,以祈祖灵保祐。
    Rituals represent a conversation between the living and deceased over a certain period of time, while warfare is the battle of life and death between enemies at a particular place.

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