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 斩波调压 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] chopper control

  1. 交流斩波控制调压技术是一种新型高性能的交流调压技术,在中小交流调压领域获得广泛应用。
    AC chopping voltage regulator is characterized of high performance, now being extensively applicable in small and medium voltage regulation .
  2. 该电源采用斩波调压和逆变调频相结合的方法实现变压变频功能,具有电压、频率独立调节的优点。
    The supply achieves the VVVF adopting the methods of choper variable voltage and inverter variable frequency.
  3. 交流斩波控制调压技术是—种新型高性能的交流调压技术,在中小交流调压领域日益获得广泛应用。
    AC chopping voltage regulator is characterized of high performance, now being extensively applicable in small and medium voltage regulation .

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