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 损失险责任 添加此单词到默认生词本
liability for the risk of loss

  1. 你说的损失并不包括在我们承保的责任范围之内。 根据你们的要求,我们出具了投保水渍险的保险凭证,但没提及到 破碎险。
    According to your instructions, we made out an insurance certificate covering W.P.A. and the risk of break- age wasn’t mentioned in it.
  2. 旅游者在旅游行程中,由疾病引起的各种损失或损害、由于旅游者个人过失导致的人身伤亡和财产损失以及由此导致的各种费用等,也都不在“旅行社责任险”的赔付范围之内。
    A tourist suffering from the loss or the harm caused by disease, or the tourist individual error, is also not in "travel agency liability insurance" in payment scope.
  3. 投保不计免赔特约险,必须首先同时投保车辆损失险和第三者责任险。
    D and effect an insurance the anti account the free compensate special contract insurance, have to insure rolling stock loss in the meantime first insurance and stranger responsibility insurance.

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