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 损害程度 添加此单词到默认生词本
[保险] extent of damage

  1. 海啸对沿海和海洋资源造成的损害程度仍然有待全面评估。
    The extent of damage to the coastal and marine resources has yet to be comprehensively evaluated.
  2. 金融系统的损害程度导致了重大的风险,以至信贷供应将会在一段时间内受到限制。
    The extent of the damage to financial systems entails significant risk that the supply of credit will be constrained for some time.
  3. 虽然这次地震的损害程度仍在评估,但分析师表示,到目前为止图像和报告分析并没有显示出重大的经济和金融灾难的迹象。
    While the full extent of the quake's damage was still being assessed, analysts said the images and reports so far did not suggest a major economic and financial disaster.

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