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 打呼 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 因为我鼻子过敏,所以有时睡觉会打呼因为鼻子不通。
    I have nose allergy problems, when to get up every morning sneezing, or runny nose。.
  2. 我喜欢看著他睁开眼睛睡觉时还一边打呼,昨天晚上客厅超冷,我把大暖气端出来吹,阿丹睡得非常惬意。
    I like seeing Adan open his eyes sleeping and snoring at the same time.Last night was extremely cold, I put the big heater warm the whole area.Adan is very happy and sleep very well.
  3. 猫在休息时,喉咙中常会发出呼噜呼噜的声音。有人认为这是猫在打呼,但美国科学家却发现这是猫自疗的方式之一。
    The ability of the cat to survive these accidents that would kill humans or other animals is not due to multiple lives, but to several advantages they possess.

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