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 心像 添加此单词到默认生词本
[心理] imago

  1. 生日 我的心像一只欢唱的鸟, 它的巢在溪涧流过的斜坡上面;
    My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a watered shoot;
  2. 东哲看到英兰脸瘦了心像被撕开了一样。
    DC seeing YR has lost so much weight felt like his heart is tearing up.
  3. 偶尔,是一场噩梦,梦见许多蛇缠着我,心像揣了兔子一样跳着,就是那么简单,但什么都做不了。
    Occasionally, some a nightmare, dreamed lot of snakes around me, and rapid heart beat, also as simple as that, could do nothing about it.

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