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 心力交瘁 [xīn lì jiāo cuì添加此单词到默认生词本
be mentally and physically exhausted
be utterly fatigued both mentally and physically
be utterly fatigued, mind and body
Both the mind and strength were worn out.

  1. 当我茫然地盯着午后窗外的天空掠过粉灰色的云时,感到心力交瘁
    I felt depleted and wrecked as I stared blankly out the window at pink-gray clouds slowly traversing the afternoon sky.
  2. 且不说电脑辐射对人体有多大危害,且不说夫君的不满与猜疑,单就网上交友已让人心力交瘁、疲于应付!
    Not to mention the computer how much radiation hazards to humans, not to mention Jon's dissatisfaction and suspicion, single people on-line friends have been another case, struggling with!
  3. 就像现在我变得心力交瘁而不能完成,因为试听花了18个月的时间,你知道吗?这是多么长的时间,漫长的过程。
    Like, I'm really gonna be devastated now if I don't get it, because we auditioned for 18 months, you know? So it was a long, long haul.

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