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  1. 毛茛是一种野生植物,黄色花。
    The buttercup is a wild plant with bright yellow cup-shaped flowers.
  2. 荷花型。黑色。花朵较小,内有少数雄蕊成小花瓣。叶大薄软,下垂。花朵侧。株张。生长势强。
    Black, smaller flowers with some inner tiny petals from stamens, Lotus - shaped; large, thin. soft and drooping leaves, lateral flowers, spreading, vigorous.
  3. 在对环微带天线进行电阻加载实现天线小型化的基础上,通过对环天线的C槽,实现了天线的双频带工作。
    By embedding a C-shaped slot in the resistance-loaded annular-ring microstrip antenna,we design a compact dual-frequency microstrip antenna in this paper.

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