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 开掘运河 添加此单词到默认生词本
dig a canal

  1. 开掘运河,改建运河开掘运河或将…改建成一条或数条运河
    Canalize: to furnish with or convert into a canal or canals.
  2. 在1820年纽约州支持该公司的计划,而18世纪的运河开掘计划就此落下帷幕。
    In 1820 the state of New York purchased the company's works, closing the books on the 18th-century canal scheme.
  3. 该工程始于1817年并于1825年竣工,运河的修建成功将纽约带入了商业中心并促进了美国运河开掘
    Construction began in 1817 and was completed in 1825. Its success propelled New York City into a major commercial center and encouraged canal construction throughout the United States.

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