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 应用操作系统 添加此单词到默认生词本
application operating system

  1. 文摘:概述了一般网络设计需考虑的因素,包括网络布线、网络应用操作系统及服务器选择、拓扑结构及运行速率规划、数据安全等内容,并就网络设计需注意的问题进行了介绍。
    Abstract: Introduces the major factors considered during the LAN design such as network application, protocal, topology, data security, etc. The special questions which should be noticed are discussed also.
  2. 能够对IBM产品计划发展,安装计划,应用操作系统提供支持。
    Able to support IBM product in proposal development, installation planning, application and operating system support.
  3. 在一个控制台模式的应用,例如HELLO,操作系统初始化传递控制给一个初始化函数----调试器运行时间库的一部分。
    In a console-mode application such as HELLO, the operating system initially transfers control to an initialization function that's part of the compiler's runtime library.

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