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 应用电化学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化学] applied electrochemistry

  1. 介绍的主要杂志有应用电化学杂志,美国电化学学会杂志等。
    Main Magazines introduced are Applied Electrochemistry. The Journal of the Electrochemistry Society etc.
  2. 应用电化学方法研究了磷酸锌在水溶液和醇酸涂层中的缓蚀性能和缓蚀作用机理。
    The difference of inhibition mechanism of zinc phosphate in aqueous solution and in alkyd coating has been studied by using electrochemical techniques.
  3. 应用电化学方法及腐蚀试验研究了LY12铝合金表面常温稀土化学转化膜。
    The cerium conversion coatings on LY12 aluminum alloy surface under normal temperature was studied by electrochemical methods and corrosion experiments.

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