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 应力变化 [yìng lì biàn huà添加此单词到默认生词本
variation of stresses

  1. 阀座碟簧提供了连续的机械压力,保证热应力变化时球体与阀座始终密合。
    The valve saucer reed offers the continuous mechanical pressure,guarantee the spheroid and valve seat are closely fitted all the time when the hot stress changes.
  2. 因此,光纤光栅测力环可以实时精确地监测工程结构的温度及应力变化状态。
    The test-force-ring is especially fit to monitor the strain of the structure real-time and accurately.
  3. 我们声称这是一次成功的实时应力预测,如从其它处后见之明中注意到的应力变化特征那样。
    We claim this is a successful real-time stress-forecast, as anticipated from the behaviour noted with hindsight elsewhere.

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