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[力] stress relief

  1. SP系列门桥及底座为一体成型铸件、LP系列超宽底座设计之结构件,经应力消除稳定性高。
    SP Series the bridge and the base for the One-casting and LP series of wide base, The ability of high stress elimination.
  2. 机台为FC-25铸件,经调质与残留应力消除处理,工作台面并具硬化处理研磨,精度稳定,使用寿命长。
    The work table is made by FC-25 casting, through conditioning and residual stress elimination. The surface is grinded with harden treatment, with steady precision and long lifespan.
  3. 并对不同轧制工况后的板材进行参数拉伸,得到拉伸力大小、拉伸变形量大小对残余应力消除效果的影响值。
    Analyzing parameters stretching toward different rolling load case board, the effect of the residual stress elimination influenced by stretching force and stretching deformation was figured out.

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