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 库存过程 [kù cún guò chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
library procedure

  1. 中小板企业消化库存过程也更快,销售更灵活,盈利能力更强。
    Small and medium-sized enterprise board inventory digestion process faster, more flexible sales, profitability, stronger.
  2. 从中国PMI指数大幅反弹来看,中国的去库存过程已经结束。
    from PMI index rebounded sharply in China, China's to the end of the process of inventory.
  3. 二季度末前后去库存过程将告一段落,地产市场也有望在年底前后企稳。
    Before and after the end of the second quarter to the inventory process will come to an end, the real estate market is expected to stabilize before the end of the year.

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