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 库容系数 [kù róng xì shù添加此单词到默认生词本
storage coefficient
[水利] storage factor

  1. 通过实例求解得出注气增压系数对工作气量及其在库容量中所占的比例影响较大。
    Examples of the model show that pressure coefficient has obvious effect on the volume of working gas and its correlative ratio.
  2. 考虑了油库与环境的交互作用,因而与传统的周转系数法相比,运用文中建立的油库系统库存模型设计的库容将更为经济与合理。
    Considering the interactive effect between oil depot and environment, the systematic design method will be more economical and reasonable than the traditional turnover coefficient method.
  3. 针对优质稻品种库容小、生物学产量低等特点,研究形成了一套高生物学产量、高库容量、高经济系数、少农药污染的“三高一少”优质稻栽培技术体系。
    A series of good quality rice culture technology system was researched out, aiming at increasing the sink, the total plant yield, and the economic coefficient, reducing the pollution of chemical.

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