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 布拉格反射 [bù lā gé fǎn shè添加此单词到默认生词本
[晶体] Bragg reflection

  1. 利用光纤激光器实现单模运转,方案有:一是用环形激光器,二是用直腔,利用光纤光栅作选频元件,即分布布拉格反射光纤激光器,这种方案简单且可得到稳定性较好的单频输出;
    To ensure single-frequency operation such lasers must necessarily be short or incorporate additional coupled cavities. One is a unidirectional loop laser, the other is the DFB laser.
  2. 报道了利用单光纤布拉格光栅反射波带宽展宽技术实现温度与压力同时区分测量的新方案。
    A novel approach for simultaneous measurement of temperature and pressure using a single fiber Bragg grating (FBG) based on reflected waves broadened bandwidth is proposed and demonstrated.
  3. 研究表明,随着输入功率的增大,折射率发生非线性变化,布拉格反射域发生偏移,从而使原本在光栅带隙内的脉冲通过光栅。
    Our calculations show the Bragg resonance is changed by the increase of the input power, thus leads the input wavelength changes from the stop band of the fiber Bragg gratings to the allowed band.

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