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 左冠状动脉 添加此单词到默认生词本
[解剖] left coronary artery
[解剖] arteria coronaria sinistra

  1. 左冠状窦内无左冠状动脉起源。
    Left sinus of valsalva was devoid of left coronary artery.
  2. 方法:结扎30只家兔左冠状动脉的前降支,造成实验性心肌梗塞。15只作为实验组,在梗塞区内注射VEGF;
    Methods:The anterior descending left coronary arteries of 30 rabbits were ligated and 15 rabbits were injected with VEGF in ischemic area as experimental group.
  3. 急诊心导管中,6-F诊断性导管在插入左冠状动脉开口时记录到显著的压力下降。
    During urgent cardiac catheterization, the 6-French diagnostic catheter recorded severe pressure damping during cannulation of the ostium of the left coronary artery.

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