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 左前卫 添加此单词到默认生词本
left half
left halfback

  1. 当他踢左前卫的时候,我并没有与他同场过。但我和他一起踢过45分钟的中场。
    I didn't play with John when he was a left-winger, but I did have 45 minutes alongside him in the centre of midfield.
  2. 绰号“小猪”的他能够适应中前场任何位置,尤其擅长扮演左前卫的角色。
    Nickname "young pig" he can adapt preceding performance any position, especially excels to act the left half back the role.
  3. 对此,卡佩罗在中前卫位置上有意就此抛弃杰拉德,让他去打自己并不喜欢的左前卫位置。
    In this regard, Capello in the avantgarde position on this intention to abandon Gerrard and let him play that he does not like the location of the avantgarde left.

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