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 工资费用 [gōng zī fèi yòng添加此单词到默认生词本
labour charge

  1. 根据企业所得税法的规定,一般企业在计算工资费用及职工福利费的税前扣除时,实行计税工资制。
    According to the regulation of law of enterprise income tax, when average company is deducted before the duty in computational salary expenses and worker welfare funds, execute plan duty salary to make.
  2. 具体计算公式如下:准予扣除的工资费用限额=全年平均职工人数*计税工资标准*12准予扣除的职工福利费限额=准予扣除的工资费用*14%在上述公式中,计税工资标准为每人每月800-960元之间,各地有所不同。
    Specific computation formula is as follows: Average office worker counts the annual of = of salary expenses limitation that allow deducts the salary expenses *14% that the allow of = of limitation of worker welfare funds that allow of *12 of standard of salary of * plan duty deducts deducts is in afore-mentioned formula, standard of plan duty salary is everybody every months 800-960 yuan between, each district differs somewhat.
  3. 如果学校需要为了夏天装空调,并且需要支付老师额外工作的工资。这笔费用是相当可观的。
    This can be costly if schools need air conditioning on hot days and school employees need to be paid for the extra time.

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