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 对偶值 [duì ǒu zhí添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 从真表映象的观点定义了补函数和对偶函数,并由此验证了一系列重要的规则、公式和推论,列举了其在几个方面的应用。
    Two definitions of dual function and complementary function are given from the viewpoint of one-to-one mapping of the truth table.
  2. 结果表明,油润滑时,含填充料弹性金属型料轴承材料的磨损量随负荷、对偶面表面原始粗糙度增大而增加,但比纯PTFE材料的磨损量低。
    Results showed that the abrasion loss of EMP bearing increased with increasing of load and surface roughness of the pairs, but less than PTFE.
  3. 第二种是在第一种算法的基础上,通过LP松弛对偶方法进行结果的改进。
    Another approach, which is basis on the result of the first one, is the dual-ascent method. It exploits the LP-relaxation of BLSR-L and its associated dual LP.

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