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 对偶码 添加此单词到默认生词本
dual code

  1. 研究了自对偶码与其删截得到的极大自正交的等价性问题。
    The equivalence of maximal self-orthogonal codes obtained from binary self-dual codes by truncating are discussed.
  2. 建立了线性模糊纠错的概念,研究了生成阵、校验阵、对偶码等性质。
    Linear fuzzy error correcting code is discussed and such basic properties of linear fuzzy error correcting code as generator matrix, dual code and so on are studied.
  3. 多年来,有限环上的循环和自对偶码一直是编研究者所关心的热点问题。
    In the last ten or more years, the cyclic codes and self-dual codes over finite rings have become a hot issue for coding theorists.

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