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 大脑窝 添加此单词到默认生词本
cerebral fossae

  1. 这是到那时为止最恶劣行径了,但是2008年6月,更残暴的事情发生了:一凶徒闯入他家,绑架了他和妻子,毒打了他一顿,以致他大脑受损。
    That was the worst until, in June 2008, the thugs broke into his house, abducted him and beat him up so badly, together with his wife, that his brain was damaged.
  2. 这种检查适用于CT禁忌症、需要对纵膈病变详细评估,以及判断大脑颅后是否有转移的患者。
    It is typically reserved for patients who have contraindications to CT with iodinated contrast, for detailed assessment of mediastinal pathology, and for posterior fossa brain metastases.
  3. 响尾蛇位于鼻子上的中空骨腔被称为颊器官,内含热敏感的极度薄膜,是与大脑相连的刺激感受器。
    The diamondback rattler has hollow, bony cavities above the nose called pit organs containing ultra-thin, heat-sensing membranes that activate receptors connected to the brain.

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