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 大工业 添加此单词到默认生词本
[工业] great industry
large-scale industry

  1. 当本月8大工业国集团聚首法国之时,他应该向美国的盟友施压,要求它们也陈列出类似的原则,并以清楚有力的支持来声援它们。
    He should press American allies to lay out similar principles when the Group of 8 industrialized nations meets this month in France and back them up with clear offers of support.
  2. 而且新的纳米技术、能源、信息和通信技术比以前的工程技术更加灵活,因为它们对现有基础设施和大工业的依赖更少。
    And new nano-, energy, information and communication technologies are much more flexible than earlier engineering technologies, because they rely less on established infrastructures and big industry.
  3. 水泥可能没有钻石那么夺目,没有石油那种地缘政治影响力,但这种商品可能是未来非洲大工业的基础。
    The commodity may lack the luster of diamonds, or the geopolitics of petrol, but cement forms the foundation of what might be Africa's industrial big bang.

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