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 地理生态学 [dì lǐ shēng tài xué添加此单词到默认生词本
geographical ecology

  1. 文章运用城市地理学、景观生态学有关原理和方法,从土地利用类型入手,以乌鲁木齐城乡交错带内四个乡为着眼点,依据调查资料和实地考察从较微观层面上解析了乌鲁木齐城乡交错带土地利用变化特征,并对不同时段的土地景观格局进行了对比分析,从而得出了一些相关结论。
    Using the principles of Urban Geography and Landscape Ecology,the author of this essay fixes eyes on the four townships situated on the urban-rural alternating places.Based on the data from investigation and review on the spot,the essay,starting with the land utilization,analyzes on a micro-level the changing features of land utilization on the urban-rural alternating places of Urumqi,makes a contrast with the landscape setup of different periods of time,and reaches a conclusion concerned.
  2. 同时结合实际情况(环境条件、地理位置等),以昆虫生态学为基础,将有害昆虫采用综合防治措施(环境治理、生态防治、物理防治、化学防治等一切有效手段)控制于不足造成危害水平。
    Meanwhile, overall prevention and control measures (environment conditions, geological location, etc.) should be adopted based on practical conditions (environment harnessing, ecological prevention and control, physical prevention and control, and chemical prevention and control, etc.) and insect ecology to keep the harm of pests at acceptable level.
  3. 文摘:根据中国西部森林的现状,采用生态学地理学的方法,分析了因毁林开荒造成水土流失、洪涝灾害、沙尘风暴、干旱少雨、江河断流、物种减少等危害对国民经济发展所造成的影响,以及近几年所产生的一系列生态环境问题.探讨了退耕还林(草)对我国的生态环境治理、西部持续发展、江河整治、国土整治综合措施运用、西部农民脱贫致富的作用.
    Abstract: In light of status quo the forest in China,harms are analyzed of soil erosion,flood disaster, sand storm,drought,zero flow of rivers,and species reduction caused by deforestation for farming.The impact of these harms on the national economy and a series of ecological environment problems which happened in the past several years are analysed.Functions of reducing and cultivation for forestation for the development of the west for river harnessing for the application of synthetic measures,and for getting rid of poverty are studied.

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