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  1. 这些小路在两边的脑叶之间来回携带能量,来回传输电的脉冲来帮助你平衡在一个物质的身体里面的你的精神存有。
    These pathways carry energy back and forth between the two sides of the brain, transmitting electrical impulses back and forth which help you to balance your spiritual being within a physical body.
  2. 光钳阵列成功显示出,带同性电的粒子群之间,也会发生如同一对带同性电粒子之间互相吸引的现象。
    The tweezer array showed successfully that the same attraction that occurs between a pair of similarly charged particles is also present in large clusters of them.
  3. 学习“三个代表”是一项永恒的事业,而我们万电的优质服务也将永无止境进行下去,让我们高举“三个代表”伟大旗帜,全心全意投身到为人民服务的事业中,做广大电力客户的贴心人,躬身办实事。
    The study ”The Three Represents”is an eternal enterprise, but our Wan Dian high-quality service forever without limits will also work, lets us lift up high ”The Three Represents”the great banner, joins in wholeheartedly the enterprise which serves for the people, makes the general electric power customer the understanding person, bows does the practical work.

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