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 反租赁 [fǎn zū lìn添加此单词到默认生词本
[租赁] leaseback

  1. 增加与减少两个方向的作用相抵,使得加息对房屋租赁在房源供给层面上无多大影响。
    Increase and reduce the role of the two opposing directions were made to increase income for housing rental housing supply level in little impact.
  2. 春节过后随着大量的外地务工人员京,需求量瞬时加大,供需失衡,租赁成交价格有所上升。
    With the large number of field work after the Spring Festival of anti-personnel Beijing, the demand for instantaneous increase, supply and demand imbalances, the rental prices increased.
  3. 该基坑施工方案规定:土方工程采用租赁一台斗容量为1立方米的铲挖掘机施工(租赁费450元/台班)。
    The foundation pit construction scheme: the earthwork using lease a bucket volume 1 cubic meters of the shovel excavator construction (rent 450 yuan/number).

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