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[数] anti-equivalence

  1. 在E*空间中W*收敛是比弱收敛还要弱的一种收敛,在自空间中两者等价
    W* convergence in E* space is even weaker than weak convergence, and in reflective space the two are equals.
  2. 在E*空间中W*收敛是比弱~*收敛还要弱的一种收敛,在自空间中两者等价
    W* convergence in E* space is even weaker than weak convergence, and in reflective space the two are equals.
  3. 推广严格奇异算子的概念,定义自奇异算子和弱自奇异算子,分别得到了刻画它们的等价特征。
    The definition of strictly singular operator is generalized to reflexive singular operator and weak reflexive singular operator.

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