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 双线制 添加此单词到默认生词本
double wire system

  1. 介绍了一种采用信号处理器的双线制压力变送器的设计方法。
    A design method of two wire pressure transmitter using signal pmeessor is introduced.
  2. 介绍了一种新型双线制医用呼叫系统的实现原理。
    This paper introduces the principle of a new kind of calling system used in hospital in detail.
  3. 该机可进行双线、三线多线并绕或扁铜线绕,使电压互感器二次线圈采用机械绕的问题得到彻底解决。
    The machine can perform two-wire, three-wire and multi-wire parallel winding or flat copper wire winding to completely resolve the mechanical winding of voltage transformer secondary coils.

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