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 双绉 [shuāng zhòu添加此单词到默认生词本
crepe de Chine

  1. 用涤纶超细旦丝生产仿真丝双绉、乔绉,可在有梭织机上织造,但效率较低;
    Silk-like crepe de chine and georgette can be woven with ultrafine polyester filament by shuttle looms, but the productivity is relatively low.
  2. 制作旗袍的有布料,丝绸、锦缎等,目前又有真丝双绉、绢纺、电力纺、杭罗等真丝织品。
    Made of cloth, silk qipao is present, brocade, etc, and ShuangZhou silk spinning, JuanFang, power, and so on, for real silk in hangzhou.
  3. 本文阐述了激光衍射法用于织纹识别的原理,指出通过衍射图象可以判明双绉类织物的起绉程度并对绉效应作出评价。
    describes the principle of distinguishing textured by laser diffraction. A diffraction image can spot and evaluate crepe effect of crepe de chine.

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