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 双稳器件 添加此单词到默认生词本
bistable device

  1. 为了实现二进制加法符号替换规律,本文提出了一种简单的光逻辑系统,它仅包括一片二维列阵光学双稳器件
    For realizing symbolic substitution rules of binary addition. This paper proposes a simple optical logic system which includes only one 2-d array of optical bistable device.
  2. 介绍一种紧凑的、能以较低输入光功率工作的光学双稳器件,由光电检测器、光纤定向耦合器和半导体激光二极管组合而成的。
    A compact, low input power optical bistable device, combined with photodetector and optical fiber directional coupler and semiconductor laser diode, was presented.
  3. 由于光电负阻器件具有双稳和自锁特性,这种非线性光耦合器具有响应保持功能。
    With the bistability and self locking of the silicon photo negative resistance devices, these non linear photoisolators exhibit response maintaining function for the input signal.

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