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 双端固定桥 [shuāng duān gù dìng qiáo添加此单词到默认生词本
[口腔] rigid fixed bridge

  1. 目的:研究固定桥基牙牙周膜厚度不同对双端固定桥应力分布的影响。
    AIM:To study the stress distribution of rigid fixed bridge on the different thickness of periodontal membranes around abutments.
  2. 目的观察下颌第一磨牙半切术后两种双端固定桥修复对牙槽骨应力分布的影响。
    ObjectiveTo observe the effects of the two kinds of rigid fixed bridge design on the stress of the alveolar bone of mandibular first molar after hemisection.
  3. 双端固定桥设计优于单端固定桥,更好的分散了半切后保留牙根的牙周膜的负担,有利于半切术后余留牙根的牙周支持组织健康。
    The design of rigid fixed bridge is superior to free-end fixed bridge and be propitious to the the health of the reserved root by dispersing the stress of reserved root more effectively.

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