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 单片集成 添加此单词到默认生词本
monolithic integration

  1. 介绍了一种集成低压铁氧体驱动器和功率MOS管的单片集成电路。
    A low-voltage ferrite driver IC with power MOS transistors is presented.
  2. 以AD590为例,实现了微气压测试和系统的单片集成
    A system with AD590 as temperature sensor and its integration on a chip were implemented.
  3. 论文重点介绍单片集成压扩器NE570在电信系统中的应用。文中给出了NE570的四种应用电路。
    In this paper, we put emphasis upon introducing the applications of the monolithic integrated compandor NE570 in telecom system. Four applied circuits of NE570 are given.

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