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 单独控制 添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] individual control

  1. 本田展示其新的脑机接口,以利用他的主题思想单独控制阿西莫机器人。
    Honda demonstrates its new brain-machine interface, with a subject using his thoughts alone to control the ASIMO robot.
  2. 加热炉内装有加热元件和测温元件,它们划分为一定数目的区域,各区温度由计算机进行单独控制
    Built with heating elements and furnace temperature measurement devices, they are divided into a certain number of regions, districts individually temperature controlled by a computer.
  3. 不同于以往的液晶光栅结构,液晶移相器的每个光栅栅指的驱动电压都可以通过计算机编程单独控制,使液晶移相器实现任意的相位分布。
    Each electrode of the Liquid Crystal phased array can be controlled separate and can come into being random phase by programming, which is totally different from traditional Liquid Crystal grating.

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