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 内部展览 [nèi bù zhǎn lǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
interior display

  1. 在它的内部,将展示这个地区的航空航天和海洋遗产,包括从南安普敦运来的泰坦尼克的展览物。
    Inside, galleries will showcase the region's aerospace and maritime heritage, including exhibitions on the Titanic, which sailed from Southampton.
  2. 一些内部建筑设施的特点,包括柱子、电梯、楼梯井、照明设施和地面承重,会影响展览会的平面策划。
    Many architectural features of the facility can affect an exhibition floor plan, including columns, escalators, stairwells, lighting fixtures and floor loads.
  3. 当开放旅游或者展览时,这个中央的开敞区域变成了一个公共步道,通过这个步道,人们可以体验这个建筑的内部空间。
    On occasions of a visit/exhibition, the crack becomes a public walkway through which the building can be experienced.

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