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 修改费用 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] alteration cost

  1. 我们要提醒你,你已经同意由于你方的延迟来偿付信用证修改费用
    We remind you that you have agreed to pay the L/C modification charge for the customer due to your delay.
  2. 送通过黑莓从T 流动 参见修改过的费用下面为垂直的圈这些是批准的标签为BB 。
    Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile See revised cost below for vertical loop These are the approved labels for BB.
  3. 总储蓄会更比足以弥补这额外的时间和费用修改软件迅速。
    The total saving would be much more than adequate to compensate IT for the additional hours and cost incurred in modifying the software quickly.

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