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[昆] laterosternite
[昆] pleurosternite

  1. 前中鬃强壮 ,后背中鬃 3,小盾不带黄色 ,背、前胸基腹片和后气门前肋裸 ;
    acr strong, post dc 3, scutellum without any yellow coloration, notopleura, prosternum and beret bare;
  2. 方法:选择116例国人正常颅椎区的MRI,测量其上颈髓与延髓两直线间的夹角,即颈髓角。
    Method: The cervico- medullary angle of 116 Chinese with normal occipital-cervical junction was measured on cervical spine MRI.
  3. 看到他们的前恋人会刺激受访者大脑中叫做盖区的区域,这区域涉及到动机和奖赏。
    Viewing their former loved one stimulated a region of the brain called the ventral tegmental area, involved in motivation and reward.

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