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  1. 从动的困油压力峰值一般也要大于主动的困油压力峰值。
    At peak of trapped oil pressure in driven gear side is greater than that in drive gear side under normal circumstances.
  2. 中间的压力棒及边的堆垛架可自由移动便于调节尺寸以方便收集。
    The mid pressing bar and the side stacking wheel rack can be moved free for easy adjustment in the dimension easy to collection.
  3. 或者把我的船横放在敌船的船首,从那里我船致命的射将沿着敌船的轴线射入炮仓,立即把那里变成屠宰场。
    Or I can position my ship across their bows from where I can fire murderous broadsides of round shot through the timbers and along the length of the gun deck within, turning it into a slaughterhouse.

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