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 丝团体 [sī tuán tǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[植] byssisede

  1. 很多团体都使用带来作为识别的象徵,所以他们之间也有共用颜色的情况。
    Many groups have adopted ribbons as symbols of support or awareness, and as a result, many causes often share each color. Some causes may also be represented by more than one color.
  2. 民间有关团体相互合作,为了稳定价决定把四方同意的8,500日元定为目标。
    Folk cooperates each other about the organization, 8 what agree with all directions to stabilize filar price to decide, 500 yen are a target surely.
  3. 许多团体都使用带来作为支持或警示的象徵,而结果则导致了同一颜色的带通常可以表达多种主题;
    Many groups have adopted ribbons as symbols of support or awareness, and as a result, many causes often share each color.

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