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 丝扣 [sī kòu添加此单词到默认生词本
screw thread

  1. 定位模板拆除时,应水平往上抬升,防止碰坏螺栓丝扣
    When removing the positioning form, lift it up horizontally to avoid hurting screw threads of anchor bolts.
  2. 爆炸所产生的力使母扩大,足以使丝扣连接处瞬时松开。
    The force of the explosion enlarges the female (outer) thread enough that the threaded connection unscrews instantly.
  3. 为进行打捞或回收钻柱,通常的卸开作业总是采用反扭矩,和在所选用的丝扣连接内引爆炸弹。
    To facilitate the fishing or recovery operation, the backoff is usually accomplished by applying reverse torque and detonating an explosive charge inside a selected threaded connection.

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