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 一隅 [yī yú添加此单词到默认生词本
a corner

  1. 半导体研究室的一隅
    One corner of the semiconductor laboratory.
  2. 作为人类,我们知道自己只是蓝色星球上生命进化之树偏僻一隅的一根枝条,我们精神由此得到慰籍。
    As humans, we find spiritual refuge in knowing that we are a branch in the swaying tree of life spread upon this blue ball.
  3. 茫茫人海,滚滚红尘,回眸四望,欣赏是一道绝美的风景,一隅人人渴望、四季相宜、风味独特的景观。
    The vast human sea, Red Dust, Looking back around, enjoy the scenery is a beautiful, everyone is eager to corner all year round affordable, unique landscape.

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