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 双端面机械密封 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] double mechanical seal

  1. 注:双端面机械密封的型号表示方法为:在产品型号规格的后面书写两组材料代号,用横线相连。
    Double seals: Material code for the secondary seal is directly followed by the product seal face codes.
  2. 本文简要介绍了双端面高速机械密封台架试验的情况及其生产应用的效果。
    The high-speed double mechanical seals are briefed in regard to their stand tests and the results obtained in its practical use.
  3. 通过对双端面机械密封冲洗系统改造,减少机械密封损坏,提高泵的运行周期。
    By means of revamping double end seals washing system, damage of mechanical seal was decreased and operation life of pump was increased.

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