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 双电压 添加此单词到默认生词本
double voltage

  1. 本文系统而深入地研究了基于双电压控制策略的矩阵式变换器。
    This paper studies the matrix converter based on double voltage control strategy deeply and systematically.
  2. 该文提出了一种基于双电压合成矩阵变换器的闭环控制方法。
    A closed loop control method for the matrix converter based on double line to line voltage synthesis algorithm is proposed in this paper.
  3. 双电压合成矩阵变换器中,需要将每个周期内的输入、输出电压划分成若干扇区。
    The input and output voltages in matrix converter based on two voltage synthesis are supposed to be divided into some sectors in each period.

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