双滑块机构 [
shuāng huá kuài jī gòu]

[机] double-slider mechanism
- 双动压力机的工作机构为多连杆滑块机构。
Working mechanism organ in double-action press consist of many links mechanism. - 最后,以双暂停曲柄滑块机构、摺叠式纸箱、以及书柜锁机构为应用载具,验证了设计方法的可行性。
Finally, the double dwell slider-crank mechanism, the erectable box, and the bookshelf are applied to verify the design process. - 结果:本研究设计了一种以曲柄双滑块机构为核心的被动式下肢功能康复训练器,可以实现多种不同形式的训练。
Result: A training machine was designed which consists of one crank and two sliding plates. The principle and structure and using method are demonstrated in this paper.