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 zenith sector 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Zenith \Ze"nith\ (?; 277), n. [OE. senyth, OF. cenith, F.
    z['e]nith, Sp. zenit, cenit, abbrev. fr. Ar. samt-urras way
    of the head, vertical place; samt way, path + al the + ras
    head. Cf. {Azimuth}.]
    1. That point in the visible celestial hemisphere which is
    vertical to the spectator; the point of the heavens
    directly overhead; -- opposed to {nadir}.

    From morn
    To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve,
    A summer's day; and with the setting sun
    Dropped from the zenith, like a falling star.

    2. hence, figuratively, the point of culmination; the
    greatest height; the height of success or prosperity.

    I find my zenith doth depend upon
    A most auspicious star. --Shak.

    This dead of midnight is the noon of thought,
    And wisdom mounts her zenith with the stars. --Mrs.

    It was during those civil troubles . . . this
    aspiring family reached the zenith. --Macaulay.

    {Zenith distance}. (Astron.) See under {Distance}.

    {Zenith sector}. (Astron.) See {Sector}, 3.

    {Zenith telescope} (Geodesy), a telescope specially designed
    for determining the latitude by means of any two stars
    which pass the meridian about the same time, and at nearly
    equal distances from the zenith, but on opposite sides of
    it. It turns both on a vertical and a horizontal axis, is
    provided with a graduated vertical semicircle, and a level
    for setting it to a given zenith distance, and with a
    micrometer for measuring the difference of the zenith
    distances of the two stars.

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