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 zapping ['zæpiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (观看电视节目时以转换频道方式)跳过广告节目

  1. Have you seen him zapping around town on his new motor bike?
  2. I really admire her she's so full of zap!

  1. But if Mr. Hoenig revels in zapping at bedside, he also worries about it at work.
  2. Over half the drop was due to zapping, says Paul J. Donato, Percy's research vice president.
  3. In defeating Walter Mondale, blowing away Governor Babbitt and zapping Bob Dole for waffling on New Hampshire's anti-tax pledge, the voters are offering a clear message: Before we talk about new revenues, let the government get its own house in order.
  4. Video game junkies now have an alternative to the zapping, blasting and pulverizing of the shoot-'em-up adventures popular on the fantasy screen.
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