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 yeshiva [jə'ʃi:və]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 犹太高等学校,犹太初等(或中学)学校

    yeshivahs, yeshivoth
    [ noun ]
    an academy for the advanced study of Jewish texts (primarily the Talmud)

    1. The opening of the yeshiva, which will train rabbis and scholars, represents a historic event, said David Berger, a history professor at Brooklyn College here.
    2. "If you come from abroad looking for a kosher hotel in Jerusalem, you'd expect a little Yiddishkite (Jewishness), not a yeshiva, but certainly not belly-dancing either," Bahat said.
    3. At least one yeshiva seminary is training clergy for priestly rituals in the temple, which was first built by King Solomon and destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 B.C. It was rebuilt by King Herod and torn down again by the Romans.
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