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 workhorse   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 载重马, 做重活的人

    [ noun ]
    1. machine that performs dependably under heavy use

    2. <noun.artifact>
      the IBM main frame computers have been the workhorse of the business world
    3. a horse used for plowing and hauling and other heavy labor

    4. <noun.animal>

    1. A jet engine that remains the workhorse of the Boeing 737 fleet is under close inspection because of problems that led to the temporary grounding of 34 Boeing jets last month.
    2. The model now in use, a black-framed workhorse that has no gearshift and weighs a hamstring-popping 28 kilograms (62 pounds), has hardly changed since 1905.
    3. A self-taught engineer, Wing invented the "Hi-Shear Rivet" first used in the P-51 Mustang, the workhorse World War II fighter plane.
    4. The workhorse of the task is the oil skimmer, an open-mouthed boat or barge that sluices oil up a conveyer belt where it is then scraped or vacuumed into a holding tank.
    5. But now, Thornton said, "The 757 is fast becoming the new workhorse for U.S. carriers because it answers the challenges of operating into congested or controlled airports where high capacity is desired" without adding flights.
    6. The 727 has been a workhorse for many of the world's airlines for nearly 25 years.
    7. Boeing's workhorse 737 series snagged the biggest chunk of the order _ 72 of the 100 Boeing planes ordered _ and a mix of wide-body and jumbo jets made up the rest of the order.
    8. A congressman who has been a perennial budget workhorse and a senator who has spent his career focused on other issues will be marquee players in what should be one of 1989's most clamorous political clashes: how to cut the federal deficit.
    9. Because of his efforts, an assembly line was starting to put an improved version of the Air Force's workhorse Titan rocket together.
    10. Mr. Shushan notes that Chevron's total, which he put at 45, includes 27 helicopters, with most serving as "workhorse" aircraft getting employees out to far-flung oil rigs.
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