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 windscreen ['wɪnd`skrin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 汽车的挡风玻璃

    [ noun ]
    transparent screen (as of glass) to protect occupants of a vehicle

    1. They visited the cab of one of the trains at London's Cannon Street station, which is reflected in the windscreen.
    2. The minor controls are in a height-adjustable cluster on the steering column. A windscreen as steeply slanted as that of a French TGV train extends into a transparent roof panel.
    3. From it appeared three or four armed youths, one of whom aimed a pump-action shotgun at the windscreen of the minibus. The other youths ran to both sides of the bus and forced open the doors.
    4. The gunmen fired a burst through the windscreen, hitting the driver's assistant in the head and chest, witnesses said.
    5. The banner campaign had apparently failed. But most days, as he leaves his home, or glances at the back windscreen of the car in front, Mr Rabin must still see the message.
    6. Since all cars now have adjustable seats, glove compartments, handbrakes and windscreen wipers, and many have cassette players, Volkswagen cannot be trying to use these as unique selling points.
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