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 widowed ['wɪdod]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 丧偶的

[法] 寡居的, 鳏居的

    [ adj ]
    single because of death of the spouse

    Widow \Wid"ow\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Widowed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    1. To reduce to the condition of a widow; to bereave of a
    husband; -- rarely used except in the past participle.

    Though in thus city he
    Hath widowed and unchilded many a one,
    Which to this hour bewail the injury. --Shak.

    2. To deprive of one who is loved; to strip of anything
    beloved or highly esteemed; to make desolate or bare; to

    The widowed isle, in mourning,
    Dries up her tears. --Dryden.

    Tress of their shriveled fruits
    Are widowed, dreary storms o'er all prevail. --J.

    Mourn, widowed queen; forgotten Sion, mourn.

    3. To endow with a widow's right. [R.] --Shak.

    4. To become, or survive as, the widow of. [Obs.]

    Let me be married to three kings in a forenoon, and
    them all. --Shak.

    1. But this is CBS, so he has to go to a secret government lab and become the subject of tests by Tina McGee, a lovely, widowed scientist played by Amanda Pays (Pays can act, and thus stands out here).
    2. When he was six his widowed father, hard pressed, sent him off to live with a neighbor, Dan Call.
    3. Not only does Tammy's 32-year-old widowed mother Viv set her cap at him, so does Viv's gay brother Kenny.
    4. His double-act of Lieutenant Leaphorn and Officer Jim Chee of the Navajo Tribal Police is cleverly balanced: Leaphorn is widowed and wise, Chee wants to become a shaman as well as a good cop, which offers all sorts of tensions for a novelist.
    5. "The Family Man," Saturday, 8 p.m. Formerly called "Four-Alarm Family," this comedy stars Gregory Harrison as the recently widowed father of four children.
    6. The widowed Berniece takes a pride in owning the house, working and bringing up her daughter who might go in for teaching. The problem is a mixture of the piano and the arrival of relations from the south, notably the Boy Willie.
    7. They found that the death rate was significantly elevated among widowed mothers who lost a son.
    8. Mrs. Burke, who was widowed in 1974, is survived by two daughters and a son, police said.
    9. Endara was widowed a year ago.
    10. The only combinations in which that trend is broken is for divorced and widowed women who marry single men.
    11. I can't remember if I cried when I read about his widowed bride.
    12. The service culminated a childhood dream for Schumacher, who first took steps to attend a seminary when he was 17, but deferred his plans to care for his widowed mother.
    13. "Our tradition addresses the widowed, the homeless and the downtrodden," said Rabbi Shaul Osadchey of Congregation Brith Shalom in Bellaire, who unsuccessfully tried to sleep on a park bench. "I was surprised by the scope of the problem.
    14. She was a widowed mother of three who died in 1988 after 14 trips to Jackson, during which time her pea-sized tumor grew to the size of a grapefruit.
    15. The study found that group travel appeals to people who are older, widowed and retired.
    16. The agency said labor-force participation by married women with children under six remained about the same as a year earlier, while the rate fell among mothers who were separated, divorced, widowed or never married.
    17. Life Enrichment also started one of AARP's first Widowed Persons Service, through which widows and widowers counsel the newly widowed.
    18. She is sent by the kindly abbess to become governess to the seven children of a recently widowed naval captain whose schloss, her spacious new place of work, is overshadowed by the mountains on the Austrian-Swiss border.
    19. When one of his brothers was imprisoned in 1953 on political charges, his widowed mother and her four remaining sons risked a dead-of-night escape across the border to Greece.
    20. It was 95 for married women, 38.1 for single women and 23.5 for women who were widowed or divorced.
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